
Introduction to Staking

You can stake PMG(Pomerium Ecosystem Token) issued by the Pomerium blockchain network and earn additional rewards. Additionally, your participation in staking contributes to the security and stability of the Pomerium blockchain network.

As the total amount of staked PMG increases, the circulating supply of PMG in the market decreases, leading to a stable price for PMG.

Check out the digital assets steadily accumulating based on the duration of your participation by staking your held PMG.

How to Use Staking

  1. Create a Pomerium Wallet: To stake PMG, you need to create a Pomerium Wallet. You can create one at

  2. Hold Pomerium Ecosystem Tokens: To stake, you need to hold PMG, the Pomerium Ecosystem Token. PMG can be purchased on crypto exchanges. You can find globally available crypto exchanges on

  3. Staking: Use your created Pomerium Wallet to stake PMG. Staking can be done at

  4. Claim Rewards: Rewards for PMG staking depend on the amount of PMG staked and the duration. Rewards are automatically distributed at regular intervals. Refer to the details below for reward-related information.


  • Rewards are fixed at a 10% *APY rate. *APY: Earn 10% of the staked amount as rewards when staking for one year.

  • Rewards are distributed at one-minute intervals.

Staking & Lock-up

  • Staking is only possible in integer units.

  • The lock-up period is 14 days.

  • If you unstake within the lock-up period, a 10% penalty will be applied to the requested amount.

  • If you stake additional PMG while already having staked PMG, the lock-up period will be reset. *It will be changed to 14 days from the time of additional staking.

ex) If you have staked 100 PMG with 3 days remaining in the lock-up period and stake an additional 50 PMG:

-> The total staked amount is 150 PMG, and the lock-up period for all staked amounts will be released 14 days from the time of staking 50 PMG.


  • Unstaking is only possible in integer units.

  • When unstaking, the requested amount plus the total accrued interest will be withdrawn simultaneously.

Reward Claim

  • When claiming rewards, the total accrued rewards will be withdrawn.

  • Partial withdrawal of accrued rewards is not supported.

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