Terms of Service

Terms of Service

1. Purpose

The purpose of these Terms of Service is to define the rights, obligations, and responsibilities between the company and the user (hereinafter referred to as "User") when the User utilizes the services provided within the Pomerium platform (hereinafter referred to as "Service"). In these Terms, 'PMG' refers to the virtual assets provided by the company, and 'POM' refers to points that can be earned through missions (quests). Both PMG and POM are transactional means that Users can use within the Service.

2. Definitions

i. 'Blockchain' refers to the technology of storing data in electronic blocks, linking these blocks sequentially in the form of a chain, recording transaction records in a ledger that anyone can read, and replicating and storing these on each computer participating in the blockchain network. ii. 'Virtual Assets' refer to electronic means of storing and exchanging value within the Service, including all data on the blockchain such as coins, tokens, NFTs, etc. iii. 'NFT' refers to a 'Non-Fungible Token' that has a unique key value. iv. 'PFP (Profile Picture)' refers to images or avatars owned or created by the user, which can be used to represent the user’s profile within the Service. v. 'Wallet' refers to a digital wallet connected to a member account that stores virtual assets and enables the exchange of virtual assets. vi. 'Account (ID)' refers to a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters chosen by the member and granted by the company to identify the member and utilize the Service. vii. 'Password' refers to a member authentication password consisting of a combination of letters, numbers, or special characters chosen by the member to prevent unauthorized use and access to the Service. viii. 'Legal Tender' refers to currency with legal force and payment ability. ix. 'Points' refer to electronic value granted to Users through missions (quests) by the company, which can be used as a transactional means within the Service for various functions and benefits. x. 'Challenges' refer to tasks or missions that Users can perform, receiving Points as rewards for their actions. xi. 'Daily Check In' refers to the functionality allowing Users to check in once every 24 hours to receive Points as a reward, during which process Users can choose different blockchain networks to generate the corresponding transactions. xii. 'Leaderboard' refers to a specific area of the Service where users’ activities and achievements are ranked based on the Points they have earned.

3. Effectiveness and Changes of Terms

The company can change these Terms at any time by posting a revised version without prior notice to Users. The company may notify Users of changes through electronic means such as email or pop-up messages. If a User does not agree to the changes in the Terms, they may stop using the Service and terminate their account. Users agree that the company is not liable for any losses due to changes in the Terms.

4. Additional Policies

In addition to these Terms, the company may have separate operational policies. For matters not specified in these Terms, the relevant laws, individual operational policies, and detailed usage guidelines determined by the company apply. Users can view the individual operational policies and detailed usage guidelines while using the Service. If there are changes to individual operational policies and detailed usage guidelines, the company will post them on the Service screen.

5. Provision and Changes of Service

When the company changes or terminates the Service, the company will notify Users of the changes or termination through email to the User's email address or by posting a notice within the Service.

6. Use of Service

In principle, the company provides the Service 24/7 (00:00-24:00). However, if the company cannot provide the Service due to business or technical issues, the company may temporarily suspend the Service or limit Service provision times, and in such cases, the company will notify Users in advance of the reason. If advance notice is not possible due to urgent reasons, the reason will be notified afterward.

7. Points

i. The points used in this Service are 'POM'. ii. Users can earn points through various activities such as attendance checks and SNS missions. iii. Points can be used within the Service for various functions and benefits. iv. Points are non-transferable and non-refundable for cash.

8. Virtual Assets

i. Virtual assets are managed through the blockchain network, and Users can transfer them to external wallets. ii. Virtual assets are not legal tender and are not issued or guaranteed by the government. Therefore, the value of virtual assets can fluctuate based on market demand and supply.

9. Ownership and Use of Works

All rights, including copyrights, to various services provided by the company to Users belong to the company.

10. Restriction and Suspension of Service Use

The company may restrict or suspend the use of the Service for Users in the following cases: i. If the User intentionally or due to gross negligence interferes with the operation of the company's Service. ii. If the User violates these Terms. iii. If the User attempts to use the Service for illegal or unjust purposes such as money laundering (the company may request additional information or the purpose of use according to relevant laws). iv. If it is unavoidable due to reasons such as service inspection, repair, or construction. v. If there is a disruption to the use of the Service due to national emergencies, defects in service facilities, or congestion in service usage. vi. If the company determines it is difficult to continue providing the Service due to other significant reasons.

If the company restricts or suspends the use of the Service according to the above regulations, the company must notify the User of the reason and the period of restriction. If the User has objections to the company's actions, they can raise objections according to the procedures set by the company. If the objection is justified, the company will immediately resume the use of the Service. If the company decides to terminate the contract with the User and withdraw the User, the company will give prior notice, and the User will have the opportunity to raise objections within 30 days from the date of notification.

11. Company Obligations

i. The company must faithfully take appropriate measures for the maintenance, inspection, or restoration of facilities related to service provision and security to continuously and stably provide the Service. ii. The company does not send emails for commercial purposes that Users do not want. iii. The company does not disclose or distribute Users' personal information obtained during the service provision process to third parties without the Users' consent and strives to protect it.

12. User Obligations and Restrictions

The Pomerium Service is not provided to children under 14 years old; hence, Users must be 14 years or older. If a User engages in the following actions, the company may suspend the use of the Service: i. Providing false information during service application or change. ii. Registering the authentication information of a third party to use the Service. iii. Illegally using another User's email address and password to use the Service. iv. Reproducing, distributing, or using the company's service information commercially without prior consent. v. Infringing on the intellectual property rights of the company and third parties. vi. Damaging the honor or interfering with the business of the company and third parties. vii. Modifying or hacking the software provided by the company to make the operation server or the network between Pomerium and blockchain abnormal. viii. Disrupting sound trading order by unduly affecting the market price of virtual assets. ix. Collecting, storing, or disclosing other Users' personal information. x. Engaging in illegal activities or activities that violate the Terms or that the company determines at its sole discretion to be inappropriate.

Users acknowledge and accept the risks associated with the instability of blockchain protocols and networks, high transaction fees, network delays, information security, regulatory risks, and technical and operational errors. Due to these risks, transactions may be delayed or fail, and potentially high blockchain transaction fees may occur.

If a User deposits virtual assets not supported by the company or enters the wrong address, the transaction will not be processed normally, and the User's virtual assets may be permanently lost.

Users are responsible for all actions and outcomes arising from accessing or using the Service and accept all risks of unauthorized access to Pomerium Service to the maximum extent permitted by law.

If Users gain profits by using the Service, the responsibility lies with the Users. Users must pay all taxes imposed by government agencies now or in the future. Pomerium does not withhold taxes in any situation.

13. Responsibility for Managing User ID, etc.

Users are responsible for managing wallet addresses and authentication information, and are liable for any disadvantages arising from the illegal use of third parties due to the User's intention or negligence. However, if disadvantages arise due to the company's intention or negligence, the company is responsible. If Users recognize that their ID or password has been stolen or is being used by a third party, they must immediately change their password, notify the company, and follow the company's instructions.

14. Transfer Prohibition

The right to receive services cannot be transferred, gifted, or used as collateral.

15. Termination of Use Agreement

If a User wishes to terminate the service use agreement, they can request withdrawal through an inquiry. If the User violates these Terms, the company may unilaterally terminate this agreement, and if the service operation is damaged, the User is liable for civil and criminal responsibility as well as compensation for damages suffered by the company. When the use agreement is terminated, the User's game account and wallet will be deleted, and the company is not responsible for any losses arising from this.

16. Disclosure of Information and Risks

Virtual assets are not considered legal tender and are not issued or supported by the government. The value of NFTs and virtual assets is determined by the global market demand and supply and can rise or fall independently of legal tender. There are risks in holding NFTs and virtual assets. The company does not guarantee the value of NFTs, cryptocurrencies, or blockchains and may block or restrict access to this website to ensure compliance with local laws, and the company is not responsible for any losses resulting from this.

17. Disclaimer

The company is not liable for any damage or loss caused by reasons beyond reasonable control, such as government actions, earthquakes, fires, industrial disruptions, upgrades to specific blockchains, etc. The company also does not guarantee any matters not specified in these Terms related to the Service. Users must accept the risks associated with accessing and using the Service. The company does not guarantee the value of virtual assets such as NFTs and PMG and is not responsible for losses due to vulnerabilities or abnormal operations in software, blockchains, or other functions.

18. Dispute Resolution

These Terms are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Singapore. Users agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Singapore for any disputes or lawsuits related to these Terms or the Privacy Policy.

19. Application of Regulations

Matters not specified in these Terms are subject to relevant laws, and matters not specified by law are subject to custom. Even if part of these Terms is found to be invalid or unenforceable, it does not affect other provisions, and the remaining Terms remain in full force and effect.

These Terms of Service take effect on August 6, 2024.

Last updated